Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! The PTO strives to positively impact the lives of the students, parents and staff of the Clearview community and works together to achieve common goals. We look forward to meeting you and hearing new ideas and perspectives.
We encourage all parents and staff at Clearview MS to join the PTO. Membership dues are only $10 and are used to support our school.
PTO Board and Committees
A list of our PTO Board, Committee Chairs and Coordinators for each of our Programs, Events and Fundraisers is listed below. The Clearview Middle School PTO is proud to have so many parents willing to donate their time and talent to help our schools.
Board of Directors
Vice President -
Treasurer -
Secretary -
Commitee Chairs/ Coordinators
Event Fundraising -
Student Events -
Book Fair -
Staff Appreciation -
Box Tops -
Career Day -
Membership -
Spirit Wear -